6 juicy lemons/ need 6 oz. juice- no seeds, please!
4 chicken breasts/thighs/whatever
1 cup finely chopped Italian parsley
2 T fresh crushed black pepper
2 T. paprika
¾ lb. orzo
2 oz. Strompolos’ “Authentic” Greek Dressing
Saute chicken and add to liquid. Bring liquid to boil to cook chicken.
Remove chicken and put aside, covered to keep warm. Add orzo and slow boil for 10 minutes until cooked.
Turn off and let cool / 10-15 minutes (important) so the eggs do not curdle when they are added.
Whip the egg yolks and whites separately, using a hand whisker. The egg whites should be frothy, cold and starting to thicken. The yolks should be liquid and flowing and room temp. When broth is cooler, add egg yolks very slowly in the not too hot broth and blend gently.
When blended, add whites and stir constantly, still not heating
Important: At this point, this needs your full attention.
Stir at low/low heat for at least 10 minutes to bring to a beautiful frothy blend. Then, add the lemon juice slowly, it will miraculously change (exciting) the soup and explode it into white from yellow.
Keep stirring gently on low heat until the flavors are blended, about 20 minutes.
When ready to serve, place the chicken in each bowl, pour soup on top, sprinkle with fresh ground pepper, paprika, chopped fine parsley and a thin slice of twisted lemon.
Put a small “S” of Strompolos’ Dressing on top and serve with bread.